Teaching material
Misc. presentations
Conference summaries
Book summaries
Useful resources on the internet
- Installing LaTeX on a Mac (14/05/2023)
- Installing Jekyll for creating a website
- If your website is configured to an older version of Jekyll, you might not use the bundler and use ‘jekyll serve’ alone. In that case, refer to this issue. After that, manually install all the packages jekyll says are missing by using ‘gem install jekyll-x’, where x is the package of interest (e.g. archives)
- If you want to make a page other than the Blog your homepage, check this discussion.
- If you are having trouble with ruby or jekyll (if “jekyll -v” throws an error), you might want to perform a clean install of homebrew to jekyll. You can do so with this script
This webpage, hosted with Github Pages, was built with Jekyll using the Hyde theme designed by @mdo. The image of Goku riding Nimbus was taken from Taringa!